The Radish

The Radish

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Winter Gardening Fair....

So tonight I took the leap and I paid for an all day gardening class. this class is an extension program through Iowa State University and I am excited! I was unable to get the original classes I wanted due to such a late sign up, but I was able to switch around a little and take everything but one of my original classes. So what did I sign up for? Organic Companion Gardening, Good Bugs/Bad Bugs, Gardening Green (this is the one I had to randomly throw in because Raised Bed Gardening was closed), Creating Habitats for backyard Wildlife, and my final class will be Creating Black Gold Compost! I am so ready for the 18th to get here so I can spend an entire day talking with others about gardening. Who knows maybe even this fall I will volunteer for the Master Gardener program and go through the classes for that.

On a completely unrelated thought, I think that I did pretty good on my first German test. So far German hasn't been so bad, but I won't go as far as saying it is easy. I actually don't mind learning it at all and I am glad that I made the decision to start. Only one more year after this of this crazy college stuff and then I can rest for awhile! Though I must admit when I sit and think about it I am kind of disappointed in myself for getting a degree in something that isn't going to get me anywhere if I need it to :( oh well there's always McDonalds! Okay so I fully hope that I never get so desperate the McDonalds looks like a viable option for me but one will never know. For now I will plan on farming and raising future children.

I also thought tonight that I would share a few links to a few blogs I read. I am sure that most of the individuals who read my blog are personal friends and only do so because they enjoy hearing me talk about my fantastic life (or maybe they are bored and I only pass the time by for them...). Anyways if you like reading about farming and just general crap here are a few that are my favorites. - This blog is one of my favorites and the girl who writes this blog has also written two wonderful books: Barnheart (I would really recommend this one) and Made From Scratch. - This is another good one and she also writes books, my favorite being: Hit By A Farm - This is another I read quite frequently as I also enjoy it, but I will say that I check it probably every other day rather than everyday because this girl tends to be busy with homework and only has so much time for blog reading.

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