The Radish

The Radish

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Class, Class, and more Class....

     This weekend was the winter garden fair in Cedar Rapids! I had a really good time and even Laura decided to join me. It was amazing to sit in a class listening to a woman who has been a Master Gardener here in Iowa since 1987 (I'm just lucky I picked her class as it was pretty full). I did slightly feel like the odd one out as most people attending were in their early 40s to much older. It's so sad to not see many young people interested in this kind of stuff. I am even more energized now to take additional classes and maybe even apply to the Master Gardener program. We were also given information about a program called Homegrown Lifestyle this course looks really amazing to me and I so much would love to be a part of it, but unfortunately I cannot afford the $179 registration fee. As it is I am just hoping that I will have the $30 to participate in track 1. I have been trying to get a job to fund these classes but it's really hard to find something that matches my school schedule. It's to bad that I do not have some sort of skill that I could use to make even just a small sum of money. To bad I don't think I could find people to donate to the good cause of me taking these classes (ha ha that would be the day)! 
     On to another sort of class....I have a German test tomorrow and I don't feel that confidant about it. Not because it is really hard stuff yet, because it is not. Rather I have been feeling a little down lately and just the thought of school makes me sad. I love school though and this is definitely not me! Laura has said I should see a doctor, but I really do not like them. The sad thing is, school isn't even bad this semester, the classes are decently easy and I love my professors. So what gives? 
     So as I said before I think I may have failed starting my seeds this round, so I am running a seed germination test to see how they do. If they do germinate I am planning on seeding those into pots and going from there. Hopefully I will have better luck and the ones I started out with were the duds of the package. 
     Well I am going to try and keep my head and do what I can to take the classes that I want. They give me joy and tend to help. I am sure that I will at least get to the Spring Home and Garden Gala, but I doubt I will be able to pull anything together for the Homegrown Lifestyle classes. If anyone has a suggestion about how I may be able to pull off attending I would love to hear!  

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