The Radish

The Radish

Monday, March 26, 2012

How does your garden grow?

As I promised I would post a more photo orientated post about my garden. Things are going great so far! Hopefully the weather does not get any cooler and my garden continues to grow as well as it is now.
Preparing the walkway between and garden box 2!!!

Straight 8 cucumbers 

My collards 


My Amish Snap Peas! I need to get my trellis up soon!

Great Northern Bean.

Well I am going to let my pictures speak for themselves. Hope you enjoy!


  1. It's beautiful Chirstina!!! You are doing a excellent job. Good luck once heat in summer comes up. One suggestion if you haven't thought of it. For plants that are not already planted putting in a drip irrigation underground is really helpful. It saves a ton on water and reduces blight since less water is exposed near base of stem and lower leaves.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I had thought about drip irrigation for the reason you mentioned however money will not allow me to do it this year :( it is on my list for next though!
