The Radish

The Radish

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So this past Sunday I made the trek to Peoria, IL for my first rabbit show. I was only a spectator and I needed some supplies which is how I justified driving the 2.5hrs to go. However, Nicholas had been a bit cranky the night before and I was unable to get much sleep. I probably should have not gone but I had promised an equipment vendor that I would finally pick up some supplies that I had ordered a few weeks back. I also ordered some supplies from another vendor that was at the show. So in essence I had to go, I was excited to go, but I was tired. When I got there and was able to see all the rabbits it was awesome. It was all I could do to keep myself from buying all kinds of rabbits, but I have my heart set on Cremes and Cinnamons. It's hard to think that in  12 days I will be bringing home my first trio of Cremes. It's scary and exciting at the same time. We still have a lot of work to do in able to get ready to build their cages and I cannot wait to hold those bunnies in my arms. While they are for show and the will live in the heated and cooled garage they will also be my pets. We have done a lot to the garage to get it ready for the bunnies. We fixed the doors and windows to allow for better insulation. We have cleaned and organized it, although we will continue to organize it with better organiztion tools and tips. We have currently have a space heater which keeps the garage decently warm in the sub-zero temps but when the electrican comes in he will fix the large heater that the garage already had. We have fans to cool the garage but we are in the process of purchasing a window unit to keep the garage at a more bearable temperature in the summer. I also have good news about my Cinnamon search. I was contacted by Zach Sauer who is a respected Cinnamon breeder and has done really well in the Cinnamon realm. I may be purchasing two rabbits from him if he decides that I will be a good fit for his rabbits. It's small start but a good one.

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