So yesterday I needed to uncover my boxes and check on water and the plants in general. Everything was looking great! I was able to take a ton of photos and that is what this post will mostly be, photos and captions.
A view of collards, radishes, and some beans. |
A close up of my collards. |
One of my jalapeno's that I planted yesterday. |
My Broccoli plant |
My beautiful Banana Pepper! |
My spaghetti squash |
Remember box 1? Well this is it! |
My radishes. I did eat one but they are still a bit small, but it was tasty! |
Garbanzo bean plant |
My pumpkin plant that just popped out of the ground. |
Arugula |
One of the cucumber plants |
A beautiful bantam sweet corn plant! |
I am happy that I have not lost any of my plants yet. I would love if it continues this way but I know that it is very likely. This is the end to my update on my garden so if you are here for this only then the rest will have nothing to do with any of this.
So we found out the sex of the baby and as of now it is looking very boy like. We are excited, and we are hoping that the tests on the baby come back good (of course we have no reason to believe that they won't come back good but you never know) and we will be even more excited. I cannot wait till the end of the semester because I have grown very bored. I actually hate going to school right now. My religion major is just too easy for me and I can make good grades without even being there. Not only is the course work easy but I thought being in a small community (department of Religion) that I would be able to bond and make friends with those that study the same as me. Yet, I should have realized that my lifestyle does not match with my major. Most of the people I have met so far talk about becoming a pastor, preacher, etc.. and a lot of them seem very close minded. I cannot tell you how many I have heard speaking out against many things liberal including homosexuals. Of course not everyone in the department are like this, it seems to mostly be an undergrad thing and again not all of them. Of course there is nothing wrong with becoming a pastor, preacher, etc. and I know that I have a bad taste in my mouth from living in the South for many years. I know that there are liberal religious leaders out there and I know that maybe someday I will meet one when and if I put myself out there. I also know that most of my complaining lately is stemming from a depression which I cannot seem to shake. I tried the whole medicine thing and it made me not myself and I am not always the keenest about putting chemicals into my body. I think that my mind's biggest thing is the fact I feel like I have no friends. Yes I know that I have some very important people out there in the world that care about me and I also know that I do have a few close and true friends, yet I feel like I have no one here, here in Iowa. It really is a hard thing to talk about and every time I bring it up it seems like I have offended the person I am telling (which is why I am glad that I have a blog so I can spit it all out and process) who always replies but you have friends, I'm your friend etc. I just wish I had a close friend in the area that I could tell everything to and not be judged when I'm having a bad day and say something crazy, but that's a thought for another day I suppose.
Those plants are looking great. The broccoli I grew last year threw me for a loop.
ReplyDeleteAs for the religion stuff, I feel your pain. I actually tend to lean rather conservative/libertarian in my views, and I see the anti LGBT stuff constantly. Being bisexual myself, it gets rather annoying.
Apparently, it's impossible to be conservative and bisexual, who knew?
As for the local friends, I can relate. After my discharge, I moved back home and was welcomed by an overwhelming "Oh, you were gone?" I was actually expecting some sort of welcome home party from my family. Very disappointed.
All the friends I still talk to are scattered across the country. And all of my "friends" here are either never available or just don't actually try to have a relationship with me.
You can text me about that anytime you want. I surely wont be offended.
And finally, Congratulations on the baby! Seems you two are going to be busy soon enough, and I'm happy for you guys.
Thanks! Sometimes it sucks that I've found some of my best friends in the military and we are no where near each other. Thanks for the congrats on the baby!