So the weather has been a huge hindrance to my completion of the garden boxes. If it hasn't been rainy then it's been snowing. Today although 24F is bright and sunny, but it's a bitter cold. I also have decided to forgo building today because Laura has to work tonight and pounding on some wood right outside would probably wake her up. I know tomorrow should be a much better day and I am hoping to totally finish both boxes complete with dirt. Tomorrow should be a lot of work but I think that it will be worth it in the end (though I'm sure my body will disagree tomorrow night, but hey that's what warm baths are for).
Laura and I went out to breakfast this morning and then headed to the farm supply store, she wanted to see the baby chicks. She loved them and thought the little Rhode Island Reds were cute! We also made a joint decision that next spring regardless of them being "illegal" (which maybe that will resolve by then?) we are going to have a few of our own backyard hens! The farm store also had a sign that said bunnies will be here March 7th. So we will get our cute bunny overload then! I am still trying to convince her a bunny is a good idea, but maybe we should also wait till next spring? While a bunny does not really take that much care we have some other things we should save and spend money on (like gutters and the roof over the garage).
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