So many of you may be wondering what is Silver Fox and I am here to tell you! Over the past several weeks, maybe even longer, Laura and I have talked about my time in Iowa. It hasn't been the best to tell you the truth. I have felt super lonely as I have not been the best at making friends (yes I know partly my fault). So we decided that maybe I need a hobby in which I interact with people. Last year I grew a garden but we had the drought and it is mostly a lonely but fun hobby. I will garden this year again and if the drought hits again I will allow my garden to wilt and support the local farms who depend on the money from their garden for income. We are even thinking about purchasing a CSA share. Chickens are out of the question this year and probably while we live in Iowa City there are too many laws and it is expensive to get the yearly permit. Yet, we decided that a hobby that closely identified with the desire for our future farm and something that would get me out interacting with people would be the best fit. After a little research we have decided that I will raise rabbits for show and probably to eat. Rabbit shows are decently cheap to enter, there will be tons of people to meet while doing it and it will be something to get me out of the house.
This is where the Silver Fox comes in. It is a breed of rabbit that is listed on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (you can read about them at that link). It was important to both of us to find a breed that was in danger of no longer existing and we will continue that pattern when we do eventually get our own farm. After finding that breed on the ALBC website I did a search of breeders in the area. Of course being a rabbit that is threatened it was hard to find, but I was about to find a girl that breeds them, Grace Jakes. She breeds for 4-H and has also done some showing beyond 4-H. I probably could have found a more prestigious breeder but I figured why when these rabbits have the potential as the have grand champions in their lines. Who knows in the future I may even hook up with another breeder to find some better lines. All I know is I'm excited and maybe Laura is too. After all she offered to build my cages and I can't wait to take pictures. This Saturday I will be driving to meet Grace and choose a rabbit or two. I already have my eyes set on a buck named Thirsty (this may have to change haha) but I may pair him with a girl named Elisabeth. I should note that Thirsty currently has one leg and this is good news, because if he gain two more he will be a grand champion but this will be a hard task. I will update you on Saturday after I go to see them, but for now I am excited! I am thinking my first show may even be on February 17th and this also happens to be a Silver Fox sanctioned show where I will meet up with lots of other breeders.