So I have great news! Iowa City has pretty much passed legislation for chickens to be legal! Unfortunately there is one stipulation that may make this not as much fun as I was hoping. In Iowa City our neighbors will have the right to veto having chickens in our own yards. They will be able to do this at anytime. So you better hope that your neighbors like you. I am excited about chickens in the spring but I am scared at the same time. I would hate to go through all the work of building a nice coop, spend the $100 license fee, have my coop inspected by animal control, buy a few chickens, raise them inside, and then put them outside only for them to be "vetoed" and taken away.
Why does everyone else think? Is it worth the risk?
I could ask my neighbors ahead of time, but what happens if they change their mind? I also need to put more research into who has the veto power. Is it only the neighbors whose property directly connect to yours or anyone near by? I believe on December 18th this will be cleared up as far as the small details. I am hoping though that they write in the stipulation that the veto power will be revisited.
As for other news. My garlic is still do well and with this mild winter so far I almost wish I had chanced extending my growing season. Every day I think about going outside and turning my raised beds into little greenhouses. But we are about to head out of state to visit family in Fl so I suppose I will hold off this year. I also started a new job and so far it has been going ok and will hopefully give me the money to spend on my garden and hopeful chickens.
So for those of you who have chickens what breeds are your favorite? It has been so long since I last raised chickens and I had more experience with Rhode Island Reds than any other breed. I really think that I would like some Buff Orpingtons since they are winter hardy but I would like to hear what others think too!
Until next time, which I hope is not 2 months, stay safe and live life.